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Vol. 17 No. 2 (2007)


The yield of Japanese bunching onion (Allium fistulosum L.) depending on planting time of transplant and use of flat covers

  • Maria Tendaj
  • Barbara Mysiak
Submitted: May 15, 2020
Published: 2007-12-15


The experiment conducted in 2002–2005 studied the yielding of Japanese bunching onion (Allium fistulosum L.) from the second year cultivation of plants. The factors tested were planting time of transplants in the first years of growing and short term flat covering of plants with perforated PE film or non-woven PP in the spring of the second year (for the period of about 2–4 weeks). It was shown that the planting of transplant in earlier spring (3rd 10-days’ period of April) and use of covers of perforated film had a significant effect on the higher yield of Japanese bunching onion. With the usage of covers with perforated film the marketable yield was 301.25 kg×100 m-2 on average and with the usage of non-woven it was 245.89 kg×100 m-2 and when not covered (control) it was 271.51 kg×100 m-2. Perforated film appeared to be the most favorable cover for Allium fistulosum L. in comparison with non-woven. 


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