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Vol. 26 No. 4 (2016)


Influence of plant density on the healthiness and yielding of French bean in high tunnel cultivation

Submitted: May 6, 2019
Published: 2016-12-06


The aim of the study was the determine the influence of plant density of the French bean cultivars in early crop in the plastic tunnel on the occurrence and the composition of pathogenic fungi infecting the seedlings and the plant at the flowering stage and the size and the structure of the crop of pods. The experimental material were 5 cultivars of the French bean: ‘Electra’, ‘Goldpantera’, ‘NOE-18’, ‘Lucyna’ (yellow pods) and ‘Scuba’ (green pods). The bean was cultivated in a plastic high tunnel (6 × 30 m). Differentiated density of plants was applied 14.8 plants m2 (45 × 15 cm) and 8.9 plants m2 (45 × 25 cm). Seeds were dressed with Marshal 250 DS + Funaben T and sown in the tunnel directly to the ground on 18 April, 2 in each point. After emergence one plant was left. The first observation of the healthiness of seedlings was carried out three weeks after the sowing of seeds (the first 10-days’ period of May) during the thinning of plants, and the second 30 days after the first, at the beginning of the flowering stage of plants. The laboratory mycological analysis used the seedlings with slightly inhibited growth and plants at the flowering stage with brown necrosis spots on the roots and the base of the stem. The mycological analysis of infected seedlings and plants at the flowering stage showed that most often pathogenic fungi from Fusarium genus were isolated, and the species F. oxysporum f. sp. phaseoli constituted above 50% of isolates from Fusarium. The remaining pathogenic fungi isolated from the seedlings included Pythium irregulare, Alternaria alternata and Botrytis cinerea and from plants at the flowering stage A. alternata, B. cinerea, Rhizoctonia solani and Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. The fungi were isolated three times more often from the base of the stem than from the roots of plants. Plant density influenced the occurrence and the specific composition of fungi isolated from infected plants at the flowering stage as well as the yielding. It was showed, that the number of fungi isolates from plants growing at the smaller density had been greater. The total and marketable yield of pods on 1 m2 was significantly higher at the greater density of plants, that is smaller the spacing (45 × 15 cm).


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