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Vol. 23 No. 4 (2013)


Content of macronutrients in leaves of highbush blueberry grown in the Lublin Region

Submitted: May 20, 2019
Published: 2013-12-29


Estimation of the status of plant nutrition is conducted on the basis of the content of nutrients in the indicator parts of plants which are the leaves. Fertilisation recommendations should be based on the results of chemical analyses of soil and leaves, and the observation of the plants growth. In the years 1997–1999 a study was performed to estimate the status of nutrition of 11 cultivars of northern highbush blueberry cultivated in the Lublin Region: ‘Bluecrop’, ‘Berkeley’, ‘Bluejay’, ‘Blueray’, ‘Earliblue’, ‘Darrow’, ‘Herbert’, ‘Ivanhoe’, ‘Jersey’, ‘Northland’ and ‘Spartan’. The objective of this study was to determine of the content of nutrients in the leaves and estimate of the nutrition status of highbush blueberry on production plantations under the conditions of the Lublin Region. Leaves for the chemical analyses were collected at the beginning of August, dried and ground. In the samples, determinations were made of the nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium and magnesium – total forms. The contents of nutrients in the leaves differed significantly between the years of the study. The chemical analyses also revealed significant differences between the cultivars in terms of the content of nutrients in the leaves, with the exception of phosphorus, whose content was low. Moreover, the study revealed low contents of nitrogen and calcium, and optimum of potassium and magnesium.


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