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Vol. 33 No. 4 (2015)


Characteristics of agritourism farms in the context of the use of horses in a varied tourism offer

Submitted: July 30, 2019
Published: 2015-12-02


The aim of the study was to evaluate the profile of agritouristic farms, also considered in the context of the use of horses in shaping an attractive tourist offer and the potential development of such services. The study materials consisted of answers to the questions which were included in the survey addressed to the owners of agritouristic farms that do not use horses (general farms) and the ones that use horses (horse farms). The survey contained 11 questions, which concerned e.g. farms characteristics and potential addressees of the offer. Basing on the results it was concluded that the number of accommodation places in the national agritouristic farms is mostly 5–10; however, horse farms were characterized by both a significantly more expanded accommodation base and a larger area, which may follow from the possibility of organizing large equestrian events, as well as the specific character of using and breeding horses. It can be assumed that in the national agritouristic farms the use of Polish Konik, Hucul and Małopolski horses will be mostly aimed at teaching horse riding. This situation should positively affect the development of these horses’ breeding within the framework of the protection of genetic resources.


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