The ethics of publishing in Acta Scientiarum Polonorum Technica Agraria is based on recommendations by COPE - Committee on Publication Ethics (, in Polish
In science, reliability is one of its quality foundations. Readers should be certain that the authors of publications present the results of their work in a clear, reliable and honest way, independently of whether they are the direct authors or they were aided by a specialized entity (a physical or a legal person).
The authors are required to make a statement about the originality of their work and to disclose the contribution of individual authors in the publication, including their affiliation and contribution, i.e. information, who is the author of the concepts, assumptions, methods, substantive development of results, although the author submitting the manuscript bears the main responsibility.
The author is obliged to provide information about the sources of the publication financing, contribution of scientific and research institutions, associations and others.
The paper is reviewed following the procedures so-called double blind review process. The reviewer is obliged to maintain objectivity and secrecy about the reviewed paper, and in the case of plagiarism detection, he is obliged to inform the editorial office about it.
Editors inform that they are obliged to unmask all cases of scientific misconduct, including notifying relevant entities, i.e. institutions employing authors, scientific societies, associations of scientific editors, etc. The editors will document any manifestations of scientific misconduct, especially violations of ethical rules in science.
Such phenomena as ghost-writing, guest authorship or honorary authorship, plagiarism and auto-plagiarism are the opposite of reliability in science and the unethical attitude of a researcher.
Ghost-writing - someone does most of the work related to the publication, and his identity as a co-author is not disclosed, nor was he mentioned in the acknowledgments attached to the work.
Guest authorship, honorary authorship - an author is assigned to the publication, while the actual contribution of his work is insignificant or irrelevant.
Plagiarism - use of data from someone’s work without revealing the source of the information used.
Auto-plagiarism – use of data from someone’s own, previously published work without revealing the source of the information used.
Articles submitted to the journal are checked for originality with the iThenticate anti-plagiarism program.