Aims and Scope

Technica Agraria is one of nine series of Acta Scientiarum Polonorum, a scientific journal founded in 2001 by the rectors of Polish agricultural universities, supervised by the Editorial Board – representatives of these universities.
In Acta Scientiarum Technica Agraria we publish original research papers and review articles in Polish and English.
Acta Scientiarum Polonorum Technica Agraria is print and on-line open access journal. The articles are made available according to Creative Commons CC BY-NC-ND licence (attribution – non-commercial use – no derivative works).

The topics include:

  •  mechanization and automation of plant, animal and gardening production,
  • engineering, automation and robotics of food industry,
  • agricultural energy production, biofuel production,
  • systems of water management and wastewater treatment,
  • agricultural construction and building,
  • agricultural transport and devices,
  • agrophysics,
  • precision agriculture systems, use of electronics in agriculture,
  • production process modeling in agriculture and processing industry.