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Vol. 15 No. 1 (2005)


Estimation of Genetic Differentiation of Progenies Fragaria moschata x Potentilla fruticosa by RAPD Markers

  • Elżbieta Kaczmarska
Submitted: May 20, 2020
Published: 2005-05-20


One method of extension genetic variability in plants is crossing between distant taxons. In many breeding programs interspecies and intergeneric crossing are realized. Genetic differentiation in the F1 progeny of Fragaria moschata x Potentilla fruticosa was studied in the experiment. Both of these species belong to the Rosaceae family with basic chromosome number x = 7. Genetic similarity by Dice obtained by RAPD markers was very low – 0,13. Molecular markers analysis proved, that hybrids were more similar to mother’ s F. moschata. An average genetic similarity in this case was 0.717, whereas to father’ s form – P. fruticosa – 0.442.


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