Effect of Ekosorb Addition to Soil on Productivity as well as Content of Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium and Calcium in Leaves and Roots of Strawberry Plants

Małgorzata Makowska

Edward Borowski

Anna Ziemba


A field experiment was carried out on black and sandy soil in order to estimate the influence of the addition of hydrogel Ekosorb on the content of water in soil, productivity of strawberry plants and the content of nitrogen, potassium, calcium and phosphorus in leaves and roots. The results show that hydrogel used in a dose of 3 or 6 g · dm–3 increased the amount of water reversibly accumulated in both types of soil, and yet the influence of the addition of Ekosorb was more visible in black soil than in sandy soil. The application of Ekosorb in both soils in a dose of 3 g · dm–3 increased the yield of fruits as well as the dry mass of leaves and roots. Yet Ekosorb in a dose of 6 g · dm–3 did not affect the analysed features. Ekosorb added to both soil types, regardless of the dose, increased the percentage content of N and K in the dry mass of leaves and roots. However, the percentage content of Ca in roots was decreased in those conditions. The highest amount of Ca in leaves was estimated in plants cultivated in soils with the addition of 3 g · dm–3 of hydrogel. The content of P in leaves and roots was approximately constant, regardless of the soil type or hydrogel application.


hydrogel, strawberry, productivity, nitrogen, potassium, calcium, phosphorus

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Małgorzata Makowska 
Edward Borowski 
Anna Ziemba 


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