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Tom 61 (2006)


Identification of Salmonella rods in tissues of hens treated with selected antibiotics

Przesłane: lutego 5, 2021
Opublikowane: 2006-12-31


The purpose of the studies was to compare the effectiveness of the methods of detecting Salmonella rods in tissues and inner organs of poultry. The studies compared the degree of sensitivity and specificity of bacteriological tests and PCR technique in the conditions modified by the presence of antibiotics. The studies were conducted on two groups: hens infected in natural conditions and chickens infected experimentally and treated with antibiotics according to the recommendations. Sections of liver, spleen, heart, duodendum fragments with pancreas, sections of ceca with tonsils and content, breast and femoral muscles and additionally sections of ovary and oviduct were taken for bacteriological tests and PCR. The following antibiotics were used: enrofloxacin (Enrocin, Grodziskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne), norfloxacin (Nortril, Bremmer Farma), tiamphenicol (Tirsan, Fatro) and florphenicol (Nuflor, Schering-Plough Animal Health). The conducted bacteriological tests of chickens experimentally infected and subjected to treatment showed a considerable percentage of salmonella carrier state despite the therapy. The highest number of salmonella isolations was obtained from the birds treated with florphenicol. Salmonella was isolated from appendix in case of chickens treated with enrofloxacin and norfloxacin, while from
chickens treated with tiamphenicol it was isolated from duodendum with pancreas. As was shown by the authors’ own studies, the application of antibiotics to experimentally infected chickens does not completely free the animals from salmonella. Salmoenalla rods were isolated from experimentally infected chickens in all therapeutic groups and in positive control. A comparison of the results of bacteriological tests and PCR in birds subjected to antibiotic treatment showed that PCR is characterized by higher sensitivity and – hence – usefulness in detecting the carrier state of Salmonella rods in poultry.


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