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Vol. 19 No. 1 (2009)


The catch of tortricid moths to pheromone traps in apple orchards. Part I. Dynamics of moths flight

Submitted: July 26, 2019
Published: 2009-06-29


The studies were conducted in three apple orchards in the Lublin province in the years 1999–2001. Their purpose was to establish the flight dynamics of three species of leaf tortricids (Spilonota ocellana, Pandemis cerasana, Archips podana) on the basis of the catch to pheromone traps. The flight of S. oceallana males was extended in time and it lasted from 6 to 9 weeks. P. cerasana mostly occurred in two generations and sometimes the population of the second generation was higher than that of the first. Two generations of A. podana were observed, and their population was low. 


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