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Vol. 27 No. 4 (2017)


Estimation of biological value of flowers of selected Chinese peony (Paeonia lactiflora Pall.) cultivars

Submitted: January 18, 2019
Published: 2017-12-20


The aim of the experiment was to compare the content of nutritional compounds and antioxidant activity of flowers of selected Chinese peony cultivars: ‘White Sarah Bernardt’, ‘Dr. Aleksander Fleming’ and ‘Karl Rosenfield’. In the flower petals dry matter, total ash, crude fibre, total protein, chlorophylls, sugars, titratable acidity, L-ascorbic acid, total carotenoids, total polyphenols and antioxidant activity were determined. Among the cultivars compared in the experiment, ‘Karl Rosenfield’ was characterised by the highest biological value, and it was due to the high dry matter, content of total ash, total polyphenols, total carotenoids, L-ascorbic acid, crude fibre, total protein, saccharose, titratable acidity and antioxidant activity assessed in the DPPH, ABTS and FRAP tests. Flowers of cultivar ‘Dr. Aleksander Fleming’ contained the highest amounts of chlorophyll a and total chlorophyll. The highest content of total sugars, reducing sugars and the highest total sugars/acidity ratio was noted in the flowers of cultivars ‘White Sarah Bernardt’ and ‘Dr. Aleksander Fleming’. Flowers of cultivars ‘Karl Rosenfield’ and ‘White Sarah Bernardt’ were characterised by a high content of L-ascorbic acid.


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