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Vol. 32 No. 2 (2023)


Changes in the content of selected mineral elements in highbush blueberry leaves (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) during the growing season

Submitted: December 5, 2023
Published: 2024-04-22


The study of changes in the content of selected nutrients in highbush blueberry leaves during the vegetation period and the nutritional assessment on a very acidic mineral soil developed from loamy sand and low humus content (1.25%) were carried out in years 2012–2014. Statistical analysis of the obtained results showed significant changes in the content of all tested nutrients during the growing season. The content of N, P and K in highbush blueberry leaves decreased, while Mg and Ca increased. Highbush blueberry varieties differed significantly in the content of the tested nutrients at each determination date. On the first date of assessment (Dutch method – mid-June), corresponding to the second date in the experiment, low content of N, P, Mg and Ca was found in the leaves of all assessed cultivars. Only the optimal K content was found, but only for the ‘Ivanhoe’, ‘Northland’ and ‘Spartan’ cultivars. The nutritional status of leaves was also assessed on the third experimental date, which was compared with the limit numbers for the commonly used so-called American method (turn of July/August – after the first harvest of cv. ‘Bluecrop’). The assessment of the nutritional status showed a low P content, optimal in the case of K, while in the case of the remaining nutrients it gave ambiguous results. Regardless of the variety, the N content was at the optimal level, but only for the ‘Bluecrop’, ‘Bluejay’ and ‘Spartan’ cultivars. Magnesium concentration in leaves was low and optimal only for ‘Bluecrop’ and ‘Spartan’ cultivars. Generally, the assessment of Ca content performed at this date showed a low level of it in the leaves, only the ‘Darrow’ and ‘Northland’ cultivars had the optimal content of this nutrient.


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