Agronomy Science, przyrodniczy lublin, czasopisma up, czasopisma uniwersytet przyrodniczy lublin
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Tom 61 (2006)


Dynamika plonowania łąki podgórskiej w zależności od rodzaju nawożenia

Przesłane: 2 czerwca 2020
Opublikowane: 28.12.2006


The investigations were conducted in the years of 1997–2004 on the permanent meadow of Holcus lanatus with Arrhenatherum elatius type in the piedmont region. The assessment involved fertilization strength of manure with regard to mineral fertilizers. Botanical composition of the sward, dry matter yields as well as total nitrogen content were subject to the estimation. Mineral components provided with the manure dose of 12.5 t ha-1 were characterized with the highest yielding action. In this case the growth of dry matter yield and the total nitrogen content per 1 kg of PKN was higher than for mineral fertilization by 30 and 14%, respectively. On the other hand, the effect of manure in a dose of 25 t ha-1 per 1 kg PKN was on average 12% lower  than the effect of mineral fertilization. Two groups of years were distinguished on the basis of the meadow yielding dynamics. The first group involved dryer years characterised by lower values of dry matter yields as well as total protein level by 19–29% and 10–35% (respectively) in comparison to the years favourable for grass growth. Lack of sufficient moisture had the most negative effect on the sward fertilized with manure, especially where the higher dose of it was used. 


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