Agronomy Science, przyrodniczy lublin, czasopisma up, czasopisma uniwersytet przyrodniczy lublin
The paper aimed at a description of the direction of pore cross-sections in soil lessivé after different treatments during onion cultivation in the growing season and in changeable weather conditions. The measurements were taken on the basis of opaque soil blocks using computer assisted image analysis. For the statistical evaluation of the obtained results the statistics of two-dimensional vectorial data (circular statistics) was used. In order to compare soil states the Pearson compatibility test 2 was carried out. The obtained results showed that the applied methods of the vectorial data statistics allowed defining the distribution type of pore cross-sections considering their direction. The taken measurements proved that the applied cultivation treatments led to the soil material homogenisation, which was supported by a generally random pore crosssections orientation. The tested soil in most cases showed an isotropic pore distribution. The observed anisotropy resulted mainly from the compaction and intensive or long-lasting rainfall.