Agronomy Science, przyrodniczy lublin, czasopisma up, czasopisma uniwersytet przyrodniczy lublin
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Tom 59 Nr 1 (2004)


Wpływ sposobów uprawy roli i nawożenia azotem na plonowanie pszenżyta ozimego

  • Irena Małecka
  • Andrzej Blecharczyk
  • Zuzanna Sawinska
Przesłane: 4 czerwca 2020
Opublikowane: 24-03-2004


A field experiment was carried out on a sandy loam soil in the years 2001–2003 at Experimental Station Brody of the Agricultural University of Poznan. The objective of this study was to determine the comparative effects of four tillage systems (conventional tillage, single ploughing, reduce tillage – stubble cultivator, direct sowing) and three nitrogen rates (0, 60, 120 kg ha-1) on the growth dynamics, mineral nutrients and protein accumulation and yield of winter triticale. Winter triticale cv. Fidelio was followed by spring barley. There were no significant differences between the compared tillage systems on the growth dynamics, grain and protein yield. The aboveground biomass, grain and protein yield increased significantly with an increasing of N fertilizer rate. A reduced tillage system and direct sowing was found to affect a higher grain protein content as compared to conventional tillage. The highest grain protein content was observed in the driest and hot year studied.


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