Agronomy Science, przyrodniczy lublin, czasopisma up, czasopisma uniwersytet przyrodniczy lublin
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Tom 59 Nr 1 (2004)


Badania nad metodą oznaczania współczynnika rozpuszczalności suchej masy

  • Zbigniew Rzedzicki
  • Agnieszka Mysza
  • Małgorzata Kasprzak
Przesłane: 4 czerwca 2020
Opublikowane: 24-03-2004


The aim of the study was estabilishing the influence of relative centrifuges force and the influence of time rotation on the Water Solubility Index of the extrudate. The corn extrudates with an addition of grass pea were the studied material. Water Solubility Index was marked as a centrifuging method. Different kinds of changing relative centrifuges force were applied, such as: 2200 g, 5000 g, 9000 g, 14000 g, and 20000 g. The changing time of rotation was applied: 5, 15 i 25 minutes. The results permitted us to affirm that the optimum time of rotation, at which the smallest dispersion was obtained, was 15 minutes. The longer time of rotation, the lower Water Solubility Index. Most of the studied samples proved that the highest Water Solubility Index was obtained with 2200 g relative centrifuges force. Higher relative centrifuges force was more effective in changing the course of the value of Water Solubility Index.


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