Agronomy Science, przyrodniczy lublin, czasopisma up, czasopisma uniwersytet przyrodniczy lublin
The studies aimed at determining to what degree differentiated soil compaction can influence the process of evaporation from the soil surface and the moisture content in particular layers of the soil profile. Differentiated soil compaction was close to that in a field after zero, simplified or traditional tillage. The experiments were carried out in a plant house on artificial soil profiles formed of weakly loamy sand. Measurements were taken during the process of drying up and moistening the soil with water doses from 1 to 15 mm. The tests proved that the quantity of water evaporated from the soil surface was getting higher and higher together with increasing soil compaction. At all measurement dates the effect of more intense evaporation was significantly lower moisture content. The soil of the lowest compaction degree was characterized by the highest statistically proved water retentiveness.