Agronomy Science, przyrodniczy lublin, czasopisma up, czasopisma uniwersytet przyrodniczy lublin
In 1995–2002 the studies were conducted to evaluate production technology of winter wheat, winter triticale and rye on the area if districts Brzeziny, Kutno, Ł eczyca, Piotrków Trybunalski, Skierniewice, Sieradz (Łódz province) and Garwolin and Ciechanów (Mazovian province) in 555 farm. Small values of technology complexity index were obtained: 54.7% for wheat, 46.3% triticale and 36.9% only, for rye. The most frequent discrepancies as compared to agrotechnical recommendations concern application of insecticides (0%) of users, retardants (1.7%), fungicides (5.2%), foliar nitrogen fertilization (6.4%), microelements (7.25%) and seed certified material (18.8%). Rates of mineral fertilizers in accordance with nutritional needs of plant were applied, in the case of nitrogen in 37.8% of the plantation, 22.4% phosphorus and in 15.4% fields only, potassium. Treatments of the highest contribution to the proper levels are: harvesting with a harvester (96.3%), choice of the soil (79.1%), choice of the cultivars (76.2%), sowing rate (73%), herbicide use (63.7%) and forecrop choice (55.1%).