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Tom 59 Nr 4 (2004)


Spraying application of pesticides and the environment – a micro-data base under preparation

  • Ibrahim Gabir
Przesłane: 9 czerwca 2020
Opublikowane: 09-12-2004


Nowadays, database could be considered as one of the vital tools that support a decision maker to approach the nearest proper solution to a given problem in the shortest time with minimum effort and cost possible. It is well known that the application of pesticides is greatly
responsible for pollution that might occur to the environment. Since the mid of the seventies, preparation of a specialized database in this trend was initiated with about one thousand articles at that time upon a generous direction from professor Janusz Haman, Poland. Recently, the number of articles jumped to more than twelve thousands, with an ambitious expectation to jump to twenty thousands through the forthcoming few years. The principal aim of establishing such data base is to serve and support persons, institutions and agencies acting in both applied and academic branches of application techniques (ground/aerial), Integrated Pest Management (IPM), and environmental protection as well as manufacturers and sellers of pesticides, bio-agents, spraying systems, ag-aircraft and others. The skeleton of this database could be presented as follow: Key words: About 1600 codes covering mainly: History & Development (1870-2004); Countries (71 countries); Chemicals & Bio-agents; targets (plants, animals, areas,); Pests (Insects, Fungi, Bacteria, Weeds … etc.); Ground and aerial operations; Ground sprayers; Ag-aircraft; Atomizers/ Nozzles; Droplets & Coverage; Precautions & Safety; Pollution; Economical & Biological aspects; Concerned Organizations and Appendices. The informative base: About twelve thousand articles, which appeared in 27 languages since 1870 were crystallized, analyzed and classified including: Related codes – Author – Year – Title – Publisher – Correspondence data – Subject / Summary / Abstract – Page/s / Figure/s / Reference/s / Comment. The articles: The bulk of articles composing this database are kept – after classification and analysis in the form of a computer file or traditionally on library shelves waiting for transference to be computer files. Taking into consideration that key words, informative base and articles – kept as computer files – are connected with a computer program to allow the three parts acting together in an integration form.


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