Agronomy Science, przyrodniczy lublin, czasopisma up, czasopisma uniwersytet przyrodniczy lublin
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Tom 59 Nr 4 (2004)


Wybrane właściwości fizyczno-chemiczne gleb wytworzonych na zwałowisku wewnętrznym odkrywki Patnów pod monokulturą pszenicy i wpływem zróżnicowanych dawek nawożenia mineralnego

  • Andrzej Mocek
  • Wojciech Owczarzak
  • Mirosława Gilewska
  • Paweł Rybczyński
Przesłane: 9 czerwca 2020
Opublikowane: 09-12-2004


The objective of the research project was to assess some selected physical and chemical properties of surface layers of post-mining soils situated on an internal heap of the “Patnów” lignite opencast mine. Samples were derived form 6 experimental plots under a long-term wheat monoculture and fertilized with different nitrogen doses (3 profiles) and three doses of NPK (3 plots). The analysed soils were characterized by similar texture of sandy loams and the concentration of organic carbon ranging from 2.7–6.5 g kg-1 soil. Quantities of available potassium, phosphorus and magnesium varied quite considerably. Their quantities placed them in all concentration classes with the highest quantities of phosphorus (classes 1 and 2), slightly less magnesium (classes II and III) and the lowest amounts of potassium (classes III–V). In the majority of the examined objects, quantities of the available forms of potassium and phosphorus increased with higher doses of the applied fertilisers. The reaction of the examined soils was distinctly alkaline because of the presence of calcium carbonate ranging from 5–6%.


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