Agronomy Science, przyrodniczy lublin, czasopisma up, czasopisma uniwersytet przyrodniczy lublin
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Tom 59 Nr 4 (2004)


Content of microelements in crops of long-fibred flax depending on forms and microfertilizers applied

  • Alexander Tsyganov
  • Sergei Kukresh
  • Svetlana Khodyankova
  • Vladimir Duktov
Przesłane: 10 czerwca 2020
Opublikowane: 10-12-2004


On the basis of field tests and laboratory analyses we have determined the influence of different forms of mineral fertilizers on the microelements content of long-fibred flax during all its vegetation. Thus, non-root additional fertilization of flax by microfertilizers is a quick-acting highly-efficient method of regulating plants microelements content with the aim of creating optimal conditions for their growth and development at the early stages of life, as well as controlling phyto-pathological situation on the flax field. The obtained facts about regularities of microelements getting into plants of long-fibred flax have not only theoretical but also practical importance. They can be the basis for the development of rational system of microfertilizers application for this crop.


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