Agronomy Science, przyrodniczy lublin, czasopisma up, czasopisma uniwersytet przyrodniczy lublin
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Tom 59 Nr 4 (2004)


Wpływ nawożenia siarką na zawartość azotu w roślinach w warunkach zróżnicowanego zaopatrzenia gleby w wapn i magnez

  • Marzena S. Brodowska
Przesłane: 10 czerwca 2020
Opublikowane: 10.12.2004


In a the two-year pot experiment the range and direction of the changes in total nitrogen and protein nitrogen content in spring forms of wheat and rape in the conditions of sulphur fertilization (Na2SO4, elementary S) and liming (CaCO3, CaCO3 + MgCO3) were analysed. The
material was taken from the arable layer of grey-brown podzolic sandy loam soil. The soil before the experiment was characterised by the following properties: soil pHKCl – 4.9, the mean content of available potassium, magnesium and sulphate sulphur and high content of available phosphorus.The experiments were perfomed using the complete randomization metod. Three variable factor were used – the dose and form of lime and the dose of sulphur were applied on 3 levels, while sulphur form on 2 levels. The harvest took place at the tillering stage (spring wheat) and at the rosette stage (spring rape) and at the stages of flowering and full maturity. The analysis of the results indicates that the application of sulphur and the plant harvesting stage had the most significant influence on the content of the analysed forms of nitrogen. In the experiment the highest values of total nitrogen were obtained in the plants harvested at the first stage of developement (tillering, rosette). Fertilization with sulphur in most analysed treatments caused the increase of total nitrogen in the case of spring wheat and the decrease of total nitrogen in the case of spring rape. The application of both forms of sulphur beneficially affected the metabolism of nitrogen components. It may be concluded taking into account an increased the quantity of protein nitrogen in the generative organs of spring forms of wheat and rape.


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