Agronomy Science, przyrodniczy lublin, czasopisma up, czasopisma uniwersytet przyrodniczy lublin
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Tom 59 Nr 4 (2004)


Zmiany składu chemicznego mannicy odstającej (Puccinellia distans L. Parl.) w świetle oddziaływania zasolenia jako czynnika antropogenicznego

  • Stanisław Kozłowski
  • Piotr Goliński
  • Waldemar Zielewicz
  • Marlena Lembicz
  • Artur Rogowski
Przesłane: 10 czerwca 2020
Opublikowane: 10-12-2004


The chemical composition of plants depicts soil conditions in which given plants grow. These conditions, however, can be modified by abiotic factors. This function can also be played by sodium chloride. The subject of the present studies was Puccinellia distance growing on sites whose salinity was of abiotic nature. The examined sites were situated in the neighbourhood of industrial plants, which use sodium chloride as part of their technological processes and were characterised by an unfavourable influence of this factor. The field experiment in which Puccinellia distance was subjected to a controlled influence of sodium chloride in combination with nitrogen was treated as a complementary trial against sites with this grass situated in the vicinity of the above-mentioned industrial plants. Studies on the plant chemical composition were supplemented with soil analyses. The objective of the studies was to find out the extent of modifications of the chemical composition of Puccinellia distance plants resulting from the uncontrolled application of sodium chloride.


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