Agronomy Science, przyrodniczy lublin, czasopisma up, czasopisma uniwersytet przyrodniczy lublin
The isotherms of flavour compounds (1–hexanol, isobutylmethylketone, n–butyl acetate and methyl benzoate) on rice raw starch matrix using inverse gas chromatography (IGC) were measured. The influence of the nature of adsorbates on rice matrix was studied. The results
showed the existence of the interaction between flavour compounds and starch, involving adsorbate – adsorbent and adsorbate – adsorbate interactions. Sorption isotherms were determined at 35°C under humid conditions. Different shapes of isotherms were obtained according to the BET classification; type III for isobutylmethylketon, methyl benzoate, n–butyl acetate and type II for 1- hexanol. The greatest interaction between starch rice–1-hexanol was proved.