Agronomy Science, przyrodniczy lublin, czasopisma up, czasopisma uniwersytet przyrodniczy lublin
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Vol. 60 (2005)


Evaluation of usefulness of Lolium perenne L. for pasture mixtures on peat-mursh soils

Submitted: June 2, 2020
Published: 16.12.2005


Studies aiming to evaluate the usefulness of Lolium perenne (Polish cultivars – Anna, Arka, Maja, Rela, Solen, line SZD-291 and Dutch ones – Baristra, Barlano, Barezane) for pasture mixtures applied on peat-mursh soils were performed in 1996–2004. The above cultivars constituted a 35% share in mixtures whose other components were: Trifolium repens (35%), Phleum pratense (20%) and Dactylis glomerata (10%). The mixture without Lolium perenne was a control. The pasture sward was annually (1997–2004) fertilized at following rates: N – 40, P – 35 and K – 100 kg ha-1 and grazed 4 or 5 times per grazing season by Limuse breed cattle. Mean yields of absolutely dry pasture sward within 8-year performance period ranged from 8.15 (control mixture) to 9.15 t ha-1 (mixture with Rela cv. share) and significant differentiation was found only between these yields. Mixtures with Lolium perenne cultivars did not differ with the achieved yields values. Lolium perenne and Trifolium repens dominated in the pasture sward. The share of Lolium perenne was much reduced in the sward after the frosty winter 2002/2003 and the share of the first cut was decreased to the level of about 1–24% (depending on the cultivar). Their gradual regeneration was observed in subsequent cuts.


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