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Vol. 14 No. 1-2 (2015)



Submitted: June 29, 2020
Published: 2020-06-29


The paper presents the results of germination of seeds of Thuringian Mallow stimulated with an alternating magnetic field, constant or variable electric field and magnetically treated water. The research was conducted for ongoing measurement series of
21 days on the parent seeds and crop seeds of the 1st generation. Each sample consisted of
100 seeds. After 10 days, germination energy of tested seeds was determined in accordance with the standards of germination. The results demonstrate a clear positive effects of
alternating electric field, a small positive impact of a constant electric field and magnetically treated water and the negative impact of alternating magnetic field on the germination of parent seeds of Thuringian Mallow for both: germination energy and germination
capacity. In the case of the 1st generation seeds, a substantial positive effect of the alternating electric field (about 26%) on parent seeds was observed as well as on the 1st generation seeds. In that case, the positive impact of all the applied physical methods on germination energy as well as germination capacity was observed. Statistically significant differences at P ≥ 0.05 were observed only for the treatment with the alternating electric field.


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