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Vol. 2 No. 2 (2003)


Technical and exploatation conditions of the exhaustes gases capacity generated by choosen vehickles of the personal transport

Submitted: May 9, 2023
Published: 2003-12-31


Smoke contamination there is the main problem of motorization impurites, which are caused by compression ignition engines. In the study there are presented results of the smoke contamination examinations in buses of the community communication, which were performed in the period October-November 2002. 163 buses were examined. Statistical calculations of the results were analysed in the field of the influence of the some exploitation factors on the level of smoke contamination in exhaust gases. The obtained results were compared to analogous measurements of smoke contamination in the period 1995–1996. More than 50% reduction of the smoke contaminations level in buses was observed in 2002 in comparison to 1995–1996 years. The result as above, is mainly effect of using in buses Ekodiesel Plus 50D fuel. As a result of the study, the authors stated, that all examined buses are correct with current standards of the smoke contamination.


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