Wybrane parametry charakteryzujące wartość odżywczą owoców kilku wysoko rosnących odmian pomidora

Robert Pokluda

Mendel University of Agriculture and Forestry Brno Faculty of Horticulture, Lednice, Czech Republic


Fruits of nine Czech and Dutch indeterminate tomato cultivars were analysed for the content of selected nutritional compounds. Fresh fruits contained 6.4 % of dry matter, 5.6 °Bg of refractometric dry matter, 21 g.kg-1 of glucose and fructose sum, 365 mg.kg-1 of vitamin C, 144 mg.kg-1 of total carotenoids, 2436 mg.kg-1 of potassium, 152 mg.kg-1 of calcium, 99 mg.kg-1 of magnesium, and 28 mg.kg-1 of sodium on average. Nutritional composition of tomato fruits was in most cases significantly dependent on cultivar and weather conditions during the cultivation period. A later fruit harvest had better nutritional quality. Cultivars ´Domino´ and ´Tipo´ as well as ´Tornádo´ and ´Toro´ showed a similar content of vitamin C and mineral elements. Fruits cv. ´Ultimo´ contained fewer mineral elements.

Słowa kluczowe:

tomato, cultivar, vitamin C, carotenoids, mineral elements



Robert Pokluda 
Mendel University of Agriculture and Forestry Brno Faculty of Horticulture, Lednice, Czech Republic


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