The influence of type and concentration of carbohydrates on growth and branching of Clematis integrifolia in vitro

Marek Dąbski

Marzena Parzymięs


The influence of type and concetration of carbohydrates on in vitro shoot proliferation of Clematis integrifolia was studied. The explants used in the experiment were excised from aseptic cultures incubated on solidifed MS medium. Shoot tips were placed on MS basal medium supplemented with 2 mg 2iP·dm–3 and 0.5 mg IAA·dm–3. The aim of the experiment was to estimate the influence of different carbohydrates: sucrose, galactose or fructose at concentration of 0, 10, 20, 30 or 40 g·dm–3 on growth and proliferation of Clematis integrifolia explants. The obtained results showed that fructose at the concentration of 10 mg·dm–3 had the most positive effect on the growth of the main shoot. The highest proliferation rate was observed on the media with sucrose in concentration of 30 g·dm–3 and the obtained axillary shoots were in the highest amount, length and weight. Galactose in all concentrations used in the experiment definitely inhibited growth and proliferation and rooting of shoots.

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Marek Dąbski 
Marzena Parzymięs 


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