Variablility effect of applied cultivar and cultivation method on scorzonera (Scorzonera hispanica L.) roots growth dynamics and yield

Agnieszka Dolota

Barbara Dąbrowska


The objects of analysis were seven scorzonera (Scorzonera hispanica L.) cultivars: ‘Einjährige Riesen’ , ‘Lange Jan’ , ‘Prodola’ , ‘Maxima’ , ‘Westlandia’ , ‘Meres’ and ‘Duplex’ . The longest and thinnest roots were observed in ‘Lange Jan’ cultivar. ’ Einjährige Riesen’ cultivar was found to have the shortest roots for both cultivation methods. The highest total and marketable yields were observed in the case of ‘Meres’ cultivar for the flat cultivation and in the case of ‘Duplex’ cultivar for the ridge cultivation. A significantly higher total yield was observed in the flat cultivation; however, the ridge cultivation featured a higher marketable yield ratio against the total yield.


scorzonera, cultivars, growing methods, yield course, total roots yield, marketable roots yield

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Agnieszka Dolota 
Barbara Dąbrowska 


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