Combining Ability Effects of Selected Strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa Duch.) Genotypes. Part 1. Number of Inflorescences, Crowns, Flowers per Inflorescences

Jacek Gawroński

Jadwiga Żebrowska


Crossing conducted in different schemes is the basis for estimating the combining ability of genotypes. The aim of the present study was to assess the effect of general combining ability (GCA) for chosen strawberry clones and cultivars. The study was carried out on the grounds of hierarchic crossing scheme. In the analyzed model each of 10 female parent specimens were  crossed with three male forms. 30 highly genetically variable progenies obtained in this way were later assessed for the number of inflorescences, the number of flowers per inflorescence and the number of crowns grown by each plant. The achieved results showed that the highest positive GCA effects concerning number of inflorescences, flowers per inflorescence and number of crowns were obtained in case of advanced strawberry clones 3387 and 1387. High negative effects of GCA characterized clone 2589 with regard to the number of inflorescences. A similar tendency was observed for ‘Pandora’ cultivar, as far as the number of flowers per inflorescence was concerned. In the analyzed group of genotypes the lowest effects of general combining ability with regard to the number of crowns were obtained for ‘Pegasus’ cultivar.


Fragaria x ananassa Duch., combining ability, hierarchic crossing scheme, inflorescens, flowers, crowns

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Jacek Gawroński 
Jadwiga Żebrowska 


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