Effect of Some Fungicides on the Growth and Sporulation of Monilia coryli (Schellenb.) in vitro

Ewa Zalewska


The effect of 15 fungicides on 3 various isolates of Monilia coryli was studied in vitro on agar media containing active ingredients at various concentration. The obtained data showed Dorado 200 EC i Zato 50 WG inhibited the growth of M. coryli totally at 1ppm a.i. Fungicides Sumilex 50 WP, Sadoplon 75 WP, Dithane M-45 80 WP, Kaptan zaw. 50 WP, Euparen 50 WP, Topsin M 70 WP, Bayleton 5 WP and Baycor 25 WP limited the growth of pathogen strongly and inhibited sporulation of M. coryli. Only at highest concentration of active ingredients at 100 ppm a.i. fungicides Baycor 25 WP, Dithane M-45 80 WP, Dorado 200 EC and Topsin M 70 WP at 10 and 100 ppm a.i. showed fungicidal activity against M. coryli. The effect of the other fungicides studied against M. coryli was less toxical.


Monilia coryli, fungicides, hazel

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Ewa Zalewska 


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