Agronomy Science, przyrodniczy lublin, czasopisma up, czasopisma uniwersytet przyrodniczy lublin

Zmienność i odziedziczalność cech ilościowych w populacji mieszańcowej wyki siewnej Alba × Kamiko

Grzegorz Silezin

Krystyna Szwed-Urbaś


Generation F2 to F5 of the hybrid received in the crossing of two morphologically different forms became the material of the experiment. A white-flowering form with a typical height/growth type and a low HCN content in seeds (0.60 mg/100 g), so-called “Alba,” was the
maternal component. Kamiko cultivar from the station of plant breeding in Szelejewo, with purple florets and determined height/growth type was the paternal form. HCN content in the seeds of this cultivar was 2.48 mg/100 g. For the analyzed generations the mean values, the range of variability, variability and fenotype correlation coefficients as well as the inheritance/heritability in the broad sense and genetic progress were calculated, taking into account important utility features. A considerable variety of all analyzed features as regards the quality was observed in all the analyzed generations, whereas the obtained correlations of fenotype variability were the highest for the weight of seeds per plant (CV = 51.9–90.0%), the number of pods per plant (CV = 59.5–74.4%), and the number of seeds per plant (CV = 63.4–82.1%) High heritability (h2 = 0.92–0.93) was also characteristic of these features, as well as quite high value of both theoretical and obtained breeding progress. The interesting recombinants with a slight HCN content in seeds (0.00–0.48 mg/100 g) was distinguished from the examined population. They can be used in the breeding of the new varieties of Vicia sativa L.



Grzegorz Silezin 
Krystyna Szwed-Urbaś 


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