Agronomy Science, przyrodniczy lublin, czasopisma up, czasopisma uniwersytet przyrodniczy lublin

Changes in technical equipment and European Union grants in chosen farms of Lublin Province

Jarosław Figurski

Edmund Lorencowicz


The equipment of selected farms was compared in technical assets before and after Polish accession to the European Union structures. 123 of agricultural farms took part in questionnaire investigation, which was done in 2001 and 2006. Changes were affirmed in used equipment as well as the modernization of farm buildings in farms which were the incumbents of EU programmes. Average area of farms with subsidies was 24.7 ha UAA. The most numerous group of recipients of grants was 40–49 years. Farmer’s participation in EU programmes is determined by row of factors which should be considered in investigations.


technical equipment, EU grants

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Jarosław Figurski 
Edmund Lorencowicz 


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