
Login or Register to make a submission.

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The text has not been published anywhere and is not the subject of proceedings in another journal.
  • Contains information about the sources of financing.
  • The entire article is saved in the Microsoft Word format in one file.
  • ORCID numbers of all authors are provided.
  • E-mail addresses of all authors are provided.
  • Line spacing 1.5; letter height 12 points; distinctions in the text - italic and bold. The size of drawings and tables does not exceed 12.5 × 19.5 cm.
  • The literature has been prepared in accordance with the principles set out in the authors' guidelines (use of DOI and URL is mandatory).
  • Two versions of the article are attached:
    1. with personal and contact data for the publishing house,
    2. without personal and contact data for the reviewer.
  • The scanned author's statement is attached. The statement is signed by all authors. I am aware that the editorial process will not be started without the author’s statement.
  • Submission of a paper to the journal indicates that the authors accept the charges.


Author’s statment [download file]

Acta Scientiarum Polonorum Hortorum Cultus publishes original scientific papers in English.

All papers are reviewed by specialists from outside the Authors’ institutions keeping the principle of mutual anonymity, the so-called double-blind review process. Authors are asked to suggest three potential reviewers with the appropriate expertise to review the manuscript. Please provide name, institution and e-mail address in the cover letter. The proposed referees should neither be current colleagues of the co-authors nor have published with any of the co-authors of the manuscript within the last four years. Proposed reviewers should represent different institutions and geographical location.

Submission of the paper implies that it has not been published previously, that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere.

The author of the paper published is obliged to submit a declaration that the paper has not been published in another journal. In the case of a multi-author publication, it is the responsibility of the author submitting the article to collect the signatures of all the authors on the statment .



We need 2 versions of the paper: version for the publisher with data of authors and scientific units and version for reviewers without these data. The author should also attach the author's statement. The author sends the text of the paper in the electronic version.

ATTENTION! Please remove names of authors in figure captions and metadatas of Word file in version for reviewers.

The paper is checked for originality with the iThenticate anti-plagiarism program.

After the author receives a review, he sends a corrected copy of the paper and a response to the reviewer’s and editor’s comments.

The editorial office reserves a right to make cuts, corrections, and changes or substantive supplementations agreed with the author.

Technical support:



Submission of a paper to the editor indicates that the authors accept the following charges.

The publication fee is 350 EUR for standard size of a manuscript, and 60 EUR for each additional commenced page (reverse charge).

From February 1, 2024, the standard size of the article that is the basis for calculating fees is changed.

The standard size of an article is a maximum of 16 pages of the submitted article with tables and illustrations, prepared according to the following parameters: A-4 format, margins 2.5 cm, typed with Times New Roman font 12 points, 1.5 l of space between the lines.

A fee of 11 EUR per figure will be added for additional processing of figures that are unsuitable for publication in their submitted form – they do not meet publishing standards or contain factual errors.

In the case of articles submitted by January 31, 2024, the basis for calculating the publication fee is the standard article size of 12 pages.

Fees for articles submitted before February 1, 2023 are charged according to the earlier price list: 200 EUR for the standard size, 15 EUR for each additional commenced page.

Payments should be made after we receive information that the article has been accepted for publication.

The payment should be made by bank transfer. Bank fee is not included in the price.



  1. Size of the paper including tables, figures and photographs should not exceed 16 pages of A-4 format (standard margins 2.5 cm).
  2. Style of documents – the text of the paper should be typed with Times New Roman font 12 points, 1.5 l of space between the lines, setting parts of the text in special typeface is allowed, e.g. italics or bold, but without underlining letters, words and sentences.
  3. Tables and figures – size cannot exceed 16.5 cm × 19.5 cm. Numbers of tables and figures – Arabic numerals. The manuscript should be saved in one file. Tables should be included at the end of the manuscript file. If necessary, the author is asked to send the original files of photographs (.jpg, .tif) and figures, e.g. if a drawing has been created in Corel Draw, Excel, Photoshop, you are kindly asked to attach it in the files of these programs.



  1. Title of the article.
  2. Names of authors (with first names spelled out, middle names as initial, and last name CAPITALIZED), identifier ORCID.
  3. Affiliations of all authors (department or faculty, university, address, country).
  4. Corresponding addresses of all authors – e-mail.
  5. Paper abstract (from 600 to 1500 characters without spaces).
  6. Key words – 3–6 words useful when indexing and searching, from the general to specific ones.
  7. The main text of the research paper should include: introduction with the aim and research hypothesis, material and methods, results, discussion, conclusions (or summary) and references.
    Units – the international SI system is binding, e.g. g·dm–3 or g dm–3.
  8. References.
  9. Source of research funding.

Ad. 8

  • DOI number (digital object identifier) for all references is required (if exist).
  • Original papers should not contain more than 30 references.
  • Review articles should not contain more than 60 references.
  • Literature references in text: when referring to the publications of other authors in the text of the paper, a surname and a year should be provided in brackets [Kowalski and Lewandowski 2000, Lewandowski 2001, Zalewski et al. 2001] or …according to Kowalski [2000]... All literature data mentioned in the text must be given in the list of references (and vice versa).
  • The list of references should contain the original title of the article and his English translation given in square brackets.
  • The list of references should be presented in the alphabetical order in the following way: author’s (authors’) surname, initials of first names; year of publishing if there is more than one paper of the same author published in a given year, after the year it is necessary to mark particular items a, b, c, etc.; title of the paper; bibliographical abbreviation of the publishing house and place of publishing, numbers of pages (books) or No of volume, book and numbers of pages (articles), e.g.:
    Beyl, C.A. (2011). PGRs and their use in micropropagation. In: Plant tissue culture, development, and biotechnology, Trigiano, R.N., Gray, D.J. (eds). CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton–London–New York, 33–56.
    Commission Regulation (2015). EU Regulation No 1258/2011 of 2 December 2011 amending Regulation (EC) No 1881/2006 as regards maximum levels for nitrates in foodstuffs. Available: [date of access: 21.10.2016].
    Parke, M. (1993). A garden for cutting: gardening for flower arrangements. Stewart, Tabori & Chang, New York.
    Patkowska, E., Konopiński, M. (2008a). Pathogenicity of selected soil-borne microorganisms for scorzonera seedlings (Scorzonera hispanica L.). Folia Hort., 20(1), 31–42.
    Patkowska, E., Konopiński, M. (2008b). Pathogenicity of selected soil-borne fungi for seedlings of root chicory (Cichorium intybus L. var. sativum Bisch.). Veg. Crops Res. Bull., 69, 81–92.
    Weilharter, A., Mitter, B., Shin, M.V., Chain, P.S.G., Nowak, J., Sessitsch, A. (2011). Complete genome sequence of the plant growth-promoting endophyte Burkholderia phytofirmans strain PsJN. J. Bact., 193(13), 3383–3384. DOI: 10.1128/JB.05055-11.