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About the Journal

Hortorum Cultus is one of nine series of Acta Scientiarum Polonorum, a scientific journal founded in 2001 by the rectors of Polish agricultural universities, supervised by the Editorial Board – representatives of these universities.

In Acta Scientiarum Polonorum Hortorum Cultus we publish original research papers and review articles containing new and significant information on broad aspects of horticulture and related disciplines. The papers are published in English only, in six issues yearly.

Acta Scientiarum Polonorum Hortorum Cultus is print (ISSN 1644-0692) and online (e-ISSN 2545-1405) open access journal. From 2022, the articles are made available according to CC BY 4.0 (attribution). Earlier articles are made available under the conditions CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 licence (attribution – non-commercial use – no derivative works).

The topics include:

  • morphology, anatomy and physiology of horticultural plants;
  • modern systems of breeding, cultivation and nutrition of horticultural plants;
  • ontogenetic and genetic factors shaping the quantity and quality of horticultural crops;
  • the impact of growing conditions and environmental factors on the chemical composition and biochemical properties of horticultural products;
  • healing and health promoting properties of horticultural products;
  • effects of storage of horticulture crops on the stability and biological activity of bioactive components and their metabolites;
  • economic aspects related to the production of horticultural;
  • any subject at the interface between horticulture production and its quality