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Tom 28 Nr 2 (2010)


The influence of vitamin E and trolox on biochemical and hematological indices in turkey hen's blood

Przesłane: kwietnia 2, 2021
Opublikowane: 2010-06-30


The study aimed at determining the influence of vitamin E and trolox (vitamin E preparation) as additives to drinking water, on hematological and biochemical indices at turkey
hen's blood. The studied material consisted of 6-week-old turkey hens of BIG-6 type maintained since 6th till 16th weeks of their life. Birds were divided into 3 experimental groups: I – control, II – administered with vitamin E addition in the amount of 1.1 ml /kg b.w./daily, III – administered with trolox preparation dissolved in water in the amount of 0.95 mg/kg b.w./daily. Turkey hens were fed ad libitum with standard full-dose mixtures (Provimi Polska) according to a program including 5 feeding periods. The following items were determined in blood: activities of aspartate aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase, alkaline phosphatase, as well as total protein, uric acid, triglycerides, total cholesterol, high-density lypoprotein fraction (HDL), and glucose content by means of mono-tests (Cormay). Hematological indices determinations referred to: hematocrite number, hemoglobin content, and leukocytes count. No significant changes in shaping the hematological indices in turkey hens blood were found. The addition of vitamin E and trolox caused the increase of urea and HDL cholesterol fraction levels in blood plasma. The obtained results indicate the opportunity to apply vitamin E and trolox as an antioxidant additive to drinking water for turkey hens.


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