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Tom 24 (2006)


Wpływ suplementacji karmy mieszanką mineralną na zawartość wybranych mikro- i makroelementów w surowicy krwi krów bytujących na Żuławach

Przesłane: sierpnia 10, 2021
Opublikowane: 2006-12-31


A two-year-old research aimed to determine the effect of Bovifosfomag mineral mixture supply was conducted in two farms A and B, where mineral deficiency had been recognized. Over the
experimental period, the value of the experimental cows` feed supplementation was assessed analyzing the concentration of mineral elements in blood serum. The mineral mixture administered to
the animals from the experimental groups (D) induced a statistically significant increase of blood P, Cu and Se levels compared to these concentrations in the cows from the control groups (K).
Besides, a decrease in the AST and CK activity was observed.


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