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Tom 24 (2006)


Analiza wyników użytkowości rozpłodowej oraz zmian masy ciała loch w pierwszym cyklu rozrodczym żywionych mieszankami z udziałem owsa nagoziarnistego

Przesłane: 12 sierpnia 2021
Opublikowane: 31.12.2006


Tests were conducted on Polish Landrace and Puławska breed gilts as well as crossed breeds: WBP/PLW. The animals were selected for testing using analog method considering their age – approx. 5 months, body mass – approx. 80 kg. The analyzed material was divided into equal numbered groups: I (full portion mix containing 40% of hulled oat grain), II (full portion mix containing 20% of hulled oat grain), III (full portion mix on a wheat and barley base). The following were considered in the reproductive value analysis: age of first farrowing, number of pigs in a farrow at an age of 1 day and 21 days. Pregnancy retention was defined by the increase of body mass during pregnancy, birth losses, loss of body mass during lactation, increase of pork fat thickness during pregnancy and its decrease during lactation. The experiment group sows (D1 and D2) were characterized by a younger age of first farrowing than sows in control groups. The highest number of pigs born and raised to the age of 21 days were noted in groups D1 for individual genotypes. An addition of hulled oat grain increased the body mass gain in pregnant sows by an average of 4.67% for group D1 and 1.48% for group D2. A higher increase in body mass during pregnancy and a statistically significant lower loss of body mass during lactation were found out in groups D1 and D2.


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