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Tom 24 (2006)


Wpływ dodatku czosnku i pochodnej 1,2,4-triazolu na poziom wybranych elementów mineralnych w surowicy krwi i tkankach indyczek

Przesłane: sierpnia 20, 2021
Opublikowane: 2006-12-31


The research was carried out on sixty 6-week-old BIG-6 turkey-hens divided into four feeding groups (15 birds in each group). The effect of a herb mixture applied as an aqueous extract on selected minerals in the blood serum of turkey-hens was studied. Group I, treated as the control, reserved no supplements. Group II received garlic in 0.5 g/dm3 of water, whereas birds in the group III were given 1,2,4-triaozle derivative in 50 mg/dm3 of water. The birds in group IV were given garlic (0.5 g/dm3 of water) and 1,2,4-triazole derivative (50 mg/dm3 of water). Preparations were added to drinking water. After the rearing period blood samples were taken from the wing vein. The content of Mg, Zn, Fe, Mn and Cu in serum, feathers and liver tissue was determined by the AAS technique. It was found that the addition of garlic and 1,2,4-triazole derivative caused an increase in the Mg, Zn, Fe and Cu content in serum of turkey-hens. It also improved the retention of Zn, Fe and Cu in liver tissue. Significant differences in the concentration of Zn and Cu in the feathers and Zn, Fe and Cu in the liver tissue were found in the group with an addition of garlic. The most numerous relations occurred in liver tissue. The highest positive correlation coefficient was found in feathers between Mn and Mg (0.68), in blood serum between Cu and Zn (0.53) and in the liver tissue between Cu and Fe (0.53).


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