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Tom 24 (2006)


Ocena ekonomiczno-finansowa strategii wybranych przedsiębiorstw przemysłu drobiarskiego

Przesłane: 24 sierpnia 2021
Opublikowane: 31.12.2006


The survey concerned the economic-financial assessment of realized strategies regarding chosen poultry enterprises within 6 years. 28 coefficients were used in the above analysis. During the first period of survey the enterprises had equalized total assets values. Enterprise I – during this period gained about 19.5% higher revenues from sale and about 22.2% lower sale profit comparing to enterprise II. After 5 years enterprise 1 gained higher total assets value by about 141.7% and higher revenues from sale about 265,0% comparing to enterprise II. In the surveyed period enterprise II gained average profit (3.0%) and financial (23.5%) capacity level. Average profit and financial capacity level of enterprise I was negative – respectively: -3.6% and -28.0%. The quality strategy realized by enterprise II in comparison to the quantity strategy realized by enterprise 1 was more rational and developmental.


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