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Vol. 30 No. 3 (2012)


Analysis of show jumping depending on the seat and the approach type. Part I

Submitted: March 14, 2021
Published: 2012-09-30


The principle of a good seat consists in keeping an active balance following the horse’s movements, i.e. shifting one’s own center of mass to make sure it overlaps the horse’s center of
mass in any situation. It would result in an optimum motion pattern, e.g. during the jump. The present study was carried out during all-Polish (ZOO***, ZOO*) and International (CSI***) Competitions held within the show jumping discipline. Four competitions were analyzed; in total, 80 riders (53 from Poland and 27 from abroad) riding 93 horses entered the competitions. The analysis of rides, conducted in a form of simple correlations, included the percentage of all seat types as well as dependencies between the type of the seat and the overcome obstacle. It was found that supple seat riding had a positive influence on overcoming the upright obstacles, double bars, and walls, while a negative one on overcoming the triple bars and oxers, for which normal seat appeared to be more efficient.


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