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Vol. 24 (2006)


Analiza wykorzystania rozpłodowego elitarnych klaczy czystej krwi arabskiej w SK Białka

Submitted: August 18, 2021
Published: 2006-12-31


29 purebred Arabian broodmares used at Białka Stud were analysed in the years 1980–2002, representing 9 damlines. Those bloodlines were compared according to the average indices of reproductive utilization, such as the length of reproductive utilization, number of foals born, percentages of fertility, fecundity, abortions, open periods and foals stillborn, died or put down shortly after birth. It was found that the best results regarding the longest average reproductive period and the average number of foals born per head were shown by the damline of Orla, bay, 1962 (Pietuszok – Ofirka), especially by the mares Oriana 1988 and Ostróżka 1983.


Akta hodowlane SK Białka w latach 1980–2002.
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