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Vol. 24 (2006)


Analiza czynników wpływających na plenność samic norek standardowych i palomino

Submitted: August 23, 2021
Published: 2006-12-31


The aim of the work was to analyse fertility of standard and palomino mink. The analysis of variance proved a statistically significant influence of the following factors on the number of raised pups: colour type, the year, female’s age and whelping term. The average number of raised pups was 4.9 and 4.6 in palomino and standard, respectively. Reproduction results of the analyzed breeding farm were high in comparison with the average domestic results. The number of raised pups was the highest in the second and the third years of reproduction of females (5.3 and 5.3) in palomino and in the second year (5.2) in standard. The lowest number of raised pups was observed in the first year of reproduction (4.7 in palomino and 4.3 in standard). The highest fertility was characteristic of females of both colour types in the first whelping term (until the 25th of April), while after this term the number of raised pups decreased in the following terms. Variability coefficient of the number of raised pups ranged from 32% (in palomino) to 40% (standard). The litters with 5 or 6 animals (23.5% and 26.5%, respectively) in palomino and with 4 or 6 animals (19.8% and 18.7%) in standard mink were the most frequent. On average, the litters of 8 and 9 animals (2.8% and 0.4%, respectively) and those of 1 or 2 animals (3.9% and 7.4%) in both standard and palomino were the least frequent.


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