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Vol. 18 No. 4 (2008)


Changes of flower bulbs export and import in Poland in the years 1995–2005

Submitted: July 29, 2019
Published: 2008-12-29


The analysis includes changes in quantity and value, assortment and geographical structure of flower bulbs export and import in Poland in the years 1995–2005. The analyses show that dormant flower bulbs are meaningful to the national foreign trade of flowers – in the years 1995–2005 they constituted an average 15.68% of the whole export and 15.60% of the whole import. In the years 1993–2005 both flower bulbs export and import showed a growing tendency; however, import dynamic was faster. The assortment structure of national foreign trade of flower bulbs is dominated by flower bulbs from the “others” group, which in the years 1995–2005 constituted an average 96.21% quantitative of export and 61.66% quantitative of import of flower bulbs. The main receiver of flower bulbs is Holland, where in the years 1995–2005 an average 91.33% of the whole flower bulbs export was sent. Moreover, the importance of East-Central Europe countries as receivers of flower bulbs is growing.


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