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Vol. 26 No. 2 (2016)


Kwitnienie i pożytek pyłkowy Linum perenne L.

Submitted: May 4, 2019
Published: 2016-06-05


The studies were carried out during a four-year period (2004–2007) in Lublin (SE Poland). The object of the experiment was Linum perenne (f. Linaceae). The observations were focused on the period and dynamics of the flowering as well as on pollen production. The studies were focused, as well, on some morphological features of the flowers and pollen grains. The flowering of the examined species lasted on average 109.5 days. During the full bloom the number of open flowers per one stem was recorded between 19 and 33. In the growing season the plants produced on average 35 stems and each of them from 98.2 to 100.7 flowers on 1 m2 of a dense canopy of L. perenne in subsequent years of studies. Flax flowers, with a mean diameter of 20 mm, are characterized by heterostyly and short-term flowering. Pollen grains of the investigated species are tricolpate with a thick exine. The average size of their polar and equatorial axes reached 64.45 and 62.43 μm, respectively, P : E ratio amounted to 1.03. The average values of the shape ratio (P : E) for the flower of high and low stamen position amounted to 1.04 and 1.02, respectively. The mean pollen mass from 10 flowers of Linum perenne reached 6.54 mg, whereas 10 flowers of high stamen position provided 6.90 mg of pollen, compared to 6.18 mg of flowers of low stamen position. Pollen production per one stem ranged between 55.75 and 74.37 mg (on average 65.14 mg) and between 1.96 and 2.55 g (on average 2.27 g) per 1 m2. Among the entomophauna visiting flowers of Linum perenne under Lublin conditions, there were recorded mostly solitary bees, among which the representatives of the genus Halictus predominated.


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