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Vol. 31 No. 4 (2022)


Laboratory evaluation of the effect of active fungicide ingredients on the growth of some phytopathogenic fungi

Submitted: August 24, 2022
Published: 24.01.2023


The aim of this study was to evaluate laboratory effectiveness of the fungicidal effect of azoxystrobin (Amistar 250 SC) and difenoconazole (Score 250 EC) on selected phytopathogenic fungi (Alternatia alternata, Botritis cinerea, Fusarium avenaceum). The poison plate method was used in the study. The effect of azoxystrobin and difenoconazole on the growth of fungi depended on the species of fungus and the dose of toxic ingredient in the medium. The tested active ingredients did not show a fungicidal effect, but a fungistatic effect, most effective at higher concentrations, ie 0.01% and 0.1%. Difenoconazole was more effective against fungi than azoxystrobin. Both active ingredients inhibited the growth of A. alternata and B. cinerea from 3.85% to 88.07%, depending on the concentration of active ingredient and duration of action. Azoxystrobin at all tested concentrations did not inhibit F. avenaceum mycelium growth, while difenoconazole in the tested concentrations showed a weak fungistatic activity against F. avenaceum. The highest degree of growth inhibition of F. avenaceum noted for 0.1% difenoconazole concentration was 39.75%.


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