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Vol. 32 No. 1 (2023)


Disappearing monuments in the Lublin region on the example of the mill in Turka, Wólka commune. Part II

Submitted: October 31, 2023
Published: 2023-12-21


This manuscript presents the project of adapting a water mill in Turka commune. Wólka and refers to research on a neighboring monument – the manor and park complex in Sobianowice. In this case, specific revalorization activities were also proposed aimed at functionally connecting
these two facilities. For this purpose, the following analyzes were developed: the existing condition, historical, communication, formal and legal, as well as a general record of the current vegetation around the mill. Based on the research conducted, guidelines for further proceedings were developed. Apart from the lack of financial resources and an investor, the main obstacle to saving the monument is the ownership situation. The plot on which the mill is located belongs to several owners. Despite these obstacles, thanks to the close location of the manor and the mill on the Bystrzyca River and the idea of linking them with common utility and functional features and adaptations for
hotel and catering purposes – they could become a tourist attraction of the region.


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