Agronomy Science, przyrodniczy lublin, czasopisma up, czasopisma uniwersytet przyrodniczy lublin
The objects of the studiem were soil sampies taken from a field experiment carried out at the Experlmental Farm of Uhrusk belonging to the Agricultural University in Lublin. Those sampies were taken in 2000 after the harvest of spring triticale sown in a field experiment after potato, sowing peas and after triticale. It was shown that the greatest number of weed diaspores in the soil after the harvest of spring triticale occurred in the site where it was sown after triticale, while a smaller number by 29.7–31.3% – after potato aJld peas. Significantly more diaspores were stored in a 1–1 cm soillayer, wbile less by 30.2-33.6% in the layers of 0–1 and 10–25 cm. In the site where spring triticale was sown after potato, the most numerous were the folliwjg diaspores: Chenopodium album, Amaranthus retrojlexus, Stellaria media, Galium aparine, Viola arvensis and Fallopia convolvulus. On the plots after peas the diaspore bank was formed by the foliowing: Chenopodium album, Stellaria media, Amaranthus retrojlexus, Avena fatua and Fallopia concolvulus. In the site after triticale the most numerous were, Viola arvensis, Stellaria media, Chenopodium album, Avena tatua, FalloPia convolvulus, Galium aparine and Amaranthus retrojlexus.