Agronomy Science, przyrodniczy lublin, czasopisma up, czasopisma uniwersytet przyrodniczy lublin
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Tom 60 (2005)


Ocena rozwoju Festulolium brauni, Lolium perenne i Festuca pratensis w siewie czystym i ich mieszankach

Przesłane: 2 czerwca 2020
Opublikowane: 16-12-2005


Growth and development as well as yielding of Festulolium brauni with Festuca pratensis and Lolium perenne were compared in pot experiments. The species were sown in pure sowing and in mixtures of Festulolium brauni with Festuca pratensis and Festulolium brauni with Lolium perenne. The experiments were carried out on quartz sand substrate. Costant substrate humidity was maintained in all experimental objects. Hoagland’s 2 medium was applied every 7 days. Growth and development of the tested species was evaluated on a base of emergence (%), seedling height (cm), tillering intensity (number of shoots per plant), above ground part weight as well as root length and weight. Studies revealed that among the tested grass species, Festulolium brauni showed the highest plant emergence. The species was also characterized with higher tillering intensity as well as highest root length and weight. However, Festulolium brauni seedling height was lower than that of L. perenne. Dry matter yields of the tested grasses was at similar levels. When evaluating the parameters of the tested grasses in mixtures, the highest competitive ability of Festulolium brauni is worth underlining.


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